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MarketSpace E-Commerce Site - Terms and Conditions

Welcome to MarketSpace! Before you start exploring the world of online shopping and connecting with fellow users, please read and understand the following terms and conditions. By signing up for MarketSpace, you agree to abide by these terms.

1. Introduction

a. MarketSpace: Refers to the online platform provided by us, designed to facilitate the advertising and display of items and communication between users.

b. User: Refers to individuals who sign up and use MarketSpace services.

2. Services Provided

a. MarketSpace exclusively provides a platform for users to advertise and display items.

b. We do not handle payment transactions or shipping logistics. Users are responsible for arranging payments and shipping independently.

3. User Responsibilities:

a. Users are responsible for the accuracy and legitimacy of the information provided during signup and while using the platform.

b. Users must not engage in any unlawful activities, including the sale of illegal items.

4. Confidentiality

a. All information provided during the signup process and while using MarketSpace will be kept confidential.

b. Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their account credentials.

5. Communication Between Users:

a. Users can communicate with each other through the platform's messaging system.

b. All communication should adhere to respectful and lawful conduct. Harassment or abusive language is strictly prohibited.

6. Content Guidelines

a. Users are responsible for the content they upload, including images and descriptions of items.

b. Prohibited content includes but is not limited to offensive, fraudulent, or misleading information.

7. Intellectual Property

a. Users retain ownership of their intellectual property rights related to the content they upload.

b. MarketSpace reserves the right to use aggregated and anonymized data for analytical purposes.

8. Termination of Account

a. MarketSpace reserves the right to terminate or suspend user accounts for violations of these terms.

9. Limitation of Liability

a. MarketSpace is not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the platform.

b. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of user-generated content.

10. Minors' Sign-Up Process:

a. Minors (individuals aged 15 and above, but below the legal age to enter into a binding contract) are allowed to sign up for MarketSpace.

b. During the sign-up process, minors will be required to provide accurate information, including their date of birth.

c. Minors will be prompted to seek parental consent, and as part of the verification process, they must submit a copy of their parent's ID.

d. Upon submitting the required information, a virtual appointment with a company representative may be scheduled to confirm the sign-up and obtain additional parental consent.

e. MarketSpace reserves the right to deny access to minors who fail to complete the verification process or do not provide the necessary parental consent.

11. Changes to Terms and Conditions

a. MarketSpace reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes.

12. Governing Law

a. These terms are governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

By signing up for MarketSpace, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please do not proceed with the signup process.